Our Green Żywiec !

Zielony Żywiec

In coming days, we will go even greener in Zywiec. 
We will be planting pollution-absorbing plants and flower meadows in Żywiec urban space together with residents.
Why do we need a meadow in the City? It creates a better microclimate in urban areas. Flower meadows help to filter rainwater and air, stops smog-forming dust. 
It also reduce air temperature and prevents the soil surface from heating up - helping to fight with so-called urban heat island, especially during the heatwaves.
There will also  much more benches and trash bins in the City, which will help to transform unused space in the city into green enclaves, giving a  respite moment's around the nature in the city center.
- on June 15-th at 9.30 a.m. - we will meet with students from the Building and Wood School Complex, near Szkolna St. No 2 to plant trees, bushes and seed a flower meadows together. 
- on June 16-th at 9.30 a.m. - we will meet with students from Complex of Technical and Forestry Schools on school yard at  Grunwaldzka Street no 9 to create a green place for outdoor recreation by planting trees and grapevines. 
- on  June 19- th at 9.30 a.m. – on crossroad of Komorowskich Street at the entrance to Parkowe estate we will  create a green corner by  planting trees and bushes. 
- on June 22-th at 9.30 a.m. – we will seed a flower meadow and plant trees on the green aeas on the side of  KEN street 
The water for planting work will be supplied by the Żywiec Sporysz Volunteer Fire Department. Firefighters will monitor the irrigation level of all meadows and plantings.

Source URL: https://smart.zywiec.pl/aktualnosc/aktualnosci/856-our-green-zywiec